

Arc helps companies hire top remote developers, designers, and marketers quickly and affordably. It offers access to a vetted talent pool, saving time and money with global hires and expert recruiter support.

What is Arc?

Arc is a talent hiring platform that connects companies with top remote developers, designers, and marketers. The platform uses advanced vetting processes to ensure only the highest quality professionals make it through, with just 1% of applicants passing their rigorous screening.

Top Features:

  • AI-Powered Matching: intelligent system pairs companies with suitable candidates in seconds.
  • Global Talent Pool: access to 350,000 professionals across 190 countries for diverse hiring options.
  • Comprehensive Vetting: six-step screening process evaluates technical skills and English proficiency.

Pros and Cons


  • Quick Hiring: companies can find and hire talent within 72 hours for freelance positions.
  • Cost Savings: up to 58% reduction in hiring costs compared to traditional methods.
  • Quality Assurance: strict vetting process maintains high standards of talent quality.


  • Limited Pool: strict vetting means fewer available candidates compared to other platforms.
  • Higher Rates: premium talent commands higher rates, averaging $60-150 per hour.
  • Additional Fees: extra charges apply when converting freelancers to full-time employees.

Use Cases:

  • Rapid Team Scaling: quickly build remote development teams for growing projects.
  • Specialized Expertise: access niche technical skills for specific project requirements.
  • Global Expansion: establish presence in new markets through remote talent acquisition.

Who Can Use Arc?

  • Tech Companies: startups and established firms seeking technical talent.
  • Digital Agencies: creative businesses needing designers and developers.
  • Enterprise Organizations: large companies building distributed teams globally.


  • Freelance Hiring: hourly rates vary by talent level and expertise.
  • Full-time Placement: placement fee based on annual salary.

Our Review Rating Score:

  • Functionality and Features: 4.5/5
  • User Experience (UX): 4.2/5
  • Performance and Reliability: 4.3/5
  • Scalability and Integration: 4.0/5
  • Security and Privacy: 4.4/5
  • Cost-Effectiveness: 3.8/5
  • Customer Support: 4.3/5
  • Innovation: 4.1/5
  • Data Management: 4.2/5
  • Customization: 4.0/5
  • Overall Rating: 4.2/5

Final Verdict:

Arc stands out for its exceptional talent quality and efficient hiring process. While premium pricing may deter some, the platform delivers outstanding value for companies prioritizing top-tier remote talent and reliable hiring outcomes.


1) How long does the hiring process take on Arc?

Freelance hires typically complete within 72 hours, while full-time placements take around 14 days.

2) What is Arc's vetting process like?

The six-step process includes technical assessments, English proficiency tests, and live coding challenges.

3) Does Arc handle payments and contracts?

Yes, Arc manages all payment processing and provides compliant contracts through EOR partners.

4) Can I hire both freelancers and full-time employees?

Yes, Arc supports both freelance and full-time hiring with different processes for each.

5) What happens if a hire doesn't work out?

Arc provides replacement candidates for full-time hires and helps resolve any issues with freelance engagements.

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